11-1-22 Vail Town Council Agenda Breakdown
A VailSticky guide to Vail Town Council Meetings: for folks that don’t have time for that.
Watch the evening meeting here
Participation in government is a luxury - by making participation more accessible and understandable, we can make it less exclusive. Here you’ll find:
Summary of the Evening Agenda & Afternoon Agenda
Agenda Summary
Afternoon Agenda: 11/1/22 Vail Town Council
Budget Stuff: Material to inspire you to stop spending time writing about government and instead spend that time forming a 501(c)3 to receive government money.
Timber Ridge Redevelopment: Very exciting and encouraging content in this packet. The material is detailed and digestible so read the source material for more info. Fun highlights:
Construction won’t begin until Residences at Main Vail are occupiable in order to minimize impacts on displaced peoples.
Data-based decision making shall prevail by aligning redevelopment with a market study
Green building for the future including: solar, car share, water conservation, high efficiency systems
Speed is essential - 24 months from demolition to completion
100% deed-restricted for full time residents with preference for those working at a business within Vail
Minimum 200 units - between approximately 404 -440 people
The mix of housing is up for discussion: (download the comparison chart here)
Gore Valley Trail Interpretive Installation: Educational art monuments dedicated to nature stuff.
Plastic Bag Banning: We should all stop using single use plastics. Bag fees should go to businesses to offset the cost of providing more expensive non-single-use-plastic-bags. To demonstrate Vail’s commitment to making very reasonable environmental initiatives somewhat less reasonable there are two special twists proposed.
Adding a provision that a reusable bag be ‘procured’ in the United States. It is unclear if this stipulation is for environmental or domestic economic purposes. Fabric produced from recycled materials is almost exclusively produced in China and South East Asia - geographically coinciding with where we ship our plastic material for recycling.
Producing bags for distribution to visitors and residents. The recommendation is procuring them from Chico Bags - which is a US company that manufactures pretty awesome reusable bags…in China with the assertion that “WE FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT IT'S NOT WHERE IT'S MADE THAT MATTERS. IT'S HOW IT'S MADE.” Hopefully these Vail specific reusable bags won’t be distributed for free - because if our relationship to plastic teaches us anything it is that when people disassociate a product with a cost, they tend to treat it as disposable.
DRB & PEC Updates: including P.E.C. not rezoning West Middle Creek for affordable housing
Evening Agenda: 11/1/22 Vail Town Council
Citizen Participation: a.k.a open mic night - PREACH
Chief Dwight Henninger: Professionally awesome
Sergeants Dempsey and Bindle, Officers Sommer, Castillo and Clausen; Dispatchers Gardner and Sheets; Kris Cureau: All professionally awesome.
Beth Markham: Professionally awesome
CDOT: pays TOV for plowing and maintaining streets.
Council Matters Status Report: Download it here. Has a VERY cool news update section that links to things published in the Vail Daily. Missing a few other recent notables…
Town of Vail continues push to take plot of land from Vail Resorts via 'eminent domain': Out There Colorado
Colorado Town Seizing Ski Resort's Land To Stop It Building Employee Housing: Reason
Vail Resorts Sues Town Of Vail Over Stopping Worker Housing Project: Unofficial Networks
Colorado Town Seizing Ski Resort’s Land To Stop It Building Employee Housing: Adventure Journal
Parking Update: ….oh boy…hold on to your hats
Wildlife Roundtable Update: This has potential - but there are currently holes in our wildlife fence and deer are getting wacked in West Vail and it’s unclear if this is about impacts or about having more meetings and organizations that have meetings.
How to Participate & Comment at Vail Town Council Meetings:
The first 10 minutes of every Evening Vail Town Council starting at 6pm is Citizen Participation (a.k.a Open mic night). You get 3 minutes to preach to a captive audience of your leaders – in person or over Zoom. This is the most powerful and underutilized channel of government engagement in Vail. USE IT!
Public comment pertaining to extra spicy issues that appear agenda may be held later on in the evening prior to a vote by the Council Members. If you have comments regarding an item on the agenda and you are not sure if public comment will be called at that time - just ask them during citizen participation at the beginning of the meeting.
Register in advance to participate by Zoom. Quick links to registration pages:
register for 11/1/22 afternoon session
register the 11/1/22 evening session
Show up to the Vail Town Council Chambers before the 6:00pm start to comment in person.
Email your input for the public record to publicinput.vailtowncouncil@vailgov.com and CC: TownCouncil@vailgov.com before 12:00pm on Tuesday. Your emails will be part of the public record, but will not be read aloud at the meeting.
Where to Watch Vail Town Council Meetings:
Catch the livestream on Town of Vail’s Facebook Page
Follow the Twitter feed @VailTownCouncil
Show up to the Vail Town Council Chambers
Watch the recording on HighFive (it takes a day or two for the recordings to be posted. Facebook is better.)
NOTE: Comments on social aren’t really read or responded to in real time. If you have something to say see the above section on How to Comment.
Reference Links
Note - External links open in a new window/tab. To navigate back to this page - check your open tabs on your mobile browser.
11/1/22 Vail Town Council Afternoon Agenda (Official)
11/1/22 Vail Town Council Evening Agenda (Official)