3-7-2023 Vail Town Council Agenda Breakdown

A VailSticky guide to Vail Town Council Meetings: for folks that don’t have time for that.

Participation in government is a luxury - by making participation more accessible and understandable, we can make it less exclusive. Here you’ll find:

  • Summary of the Evening Agenda & Afternoon Agenda

  • How to Participate

  • Where to Watch

Strategic Plan Update for 3/7/2023

The Strategic Plan update is a new addition to the agenda which includes a digestible overview of all the big deliverables to keep an eye on. For a bird’s eye view of what TOV is up to - this is all you need.

Agenda Summary

Afternoon Agenda: 3/7/2023 Vail Town Council

  • Municipal Building HVAC Repair: (Memo)

  • Timber Ridge Update: (Memo, Presentation)

    WARNING: Super exciting stuff contained in this public-private partnership! $152M redevelopment - $38M contribution from Town of Vail for land and underground parking. That folks is a slam dunk of a deal for our community.

    • Who gets to live here?

      • “homes will be available for purchase and rent, but all must be occupied by individuals who work at least 30 hours per week in Eagle County

    • Who gets to own these?

      • Businesses small and large can purchase as few as one home or as many necessary to meet their unique housing needs

      • Non-profits organizations

      • Individual community members seeking homeownership! (like Chamonix & Vail Commons)

Timber Ridge 2.0:

Roof Top Deck Lounge - Bike Storage - ‘Mountain Modern’ Shades of Grey - Legit Living Space

  • Year End Investment Report (Memo, Presentation)

  • Interviews for Art in Public Places Board Members (AIPP):

    Citizens getting after these (2) spots: Courtney St. John, Betsy Lewis, Jenifer Marx, Alex Sciaruto, Susanne Graf

  • DRB Update: (Minutes)

  • PEC Update: (Minutes)

  • Vail Local Marking District Advisory Council (VLMDAC): (Minutes)

  • Commission on Special Events (CSE): (Minutes)

  • Vail Local Housing Authority (VLHA): (Minutes)

  • 2022 Deed-Restricted Employee Housing Compliance Status Report: (Memo)

    99.68% compliance rate

  • Matters from Mayor, Council and Committee Reports: This is like open mic night for council/mayor. You never know what you’re gonna hear. It’s usually a short conversation and interesting to watch.

  • Executive Session: Closed door business.

Evening Agenda: 3/7/2023 Vail Town Council

  • Citizen Participation: a.k.a open mic night - PREACH

Drive sober or get pulled over.  
  • E-Bikes for Essentials & Shift Bike Data: (Resolution No. 11, Series of 2023, Memo)

    Data-based decision making requires data. The most effective way to get people to surrender their data is to give them something for free or at a discount. This is that for e-bikes.

  • HVAC Replacement in the Municipal Building: (Memo)

    Vail Municipal Building (a.k.a Town Offices) heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is so old we can’t get parts for it if it breaks…and it could sooner than later. Hooking up bootleg space heaters in a pinch would be problematic for the electrical systems. No one wants to spend money on this building because there are several complex what-if scenarios in play that could involve relocating the Town offices all together. None of those scenarios are likely to result in a useable alternative space before next winter. Vail can roll the dice on making it through another year, or spend $750k to replace the bare minimum HVAC.

  • Support for ECO First Responder Tech Upgrade: (Letter)

    Better is tech necessary for better, faster responses. $1m local contribution for a $1m federal match.

  • Town Manager Report: (Read it!)

    • Single use plastic water bottles on the radar.

  • Vail Town Council Priority Goals for 2023: (Read it!)

  • Mountain Towns 2030 Conference Funding: (Memo)

    Breck hosted in 2022. $50k ask for a $300k proposal.

  • Regulate Private Security Guards and Private Security Employers: (Ordinance No. 5, Series of 2023, Memo)

    Badges, vests, weapons belts, and extra starchy uniforms might make you look like law enforcement officer, but it does not make you a law enforcement officer. The benefit of private security guards looking like cops is to provide a visual non-confrontational reminder that you should behave yourself. The downside is if you have or observe a negative interaction with private security, that may unfairly inform your opinion of the actual police if you are unable to tell the difference. Confusing.

    A quick and easy way to identify the real thing is by the large patches on their shoulders.



  • Solar Panel Permission for Joint Property Owners:: (Ordinance No. 2, Series of 2023, Memo)

    Making it a little harder for the owner of the other half of your duplex to prevent you from installing solar panels…or a wind-mill.

  • Building and Fire Code Appeals Board Procedure: (Ordinance 3, Series of 2023, Memo)

    A avenue for appeals that previously existed it just wasn’t part of the code.

  • Local Business License Exemption:: (Ordinance No. 4, Series of 2023, Memo)

  • Code update that says the town can’t charge a business license fee for retailers that don’t have a physical presence in town.

How to Participate & Comment at Vail Town Council Meetings:

The first 10 minutes of every Evening Vail Town Council starting at 6pm is Citizen Participation (a.k.a Open mic night).  You get 3 minutes to preach to a captive audience of your leaders – in person or over Zoom.  This is the most powerful and underutilized channel of government engagement in Vail. USE IT!

Public comment pertaining to extra spicy issues that appear agenda may be held later on in the evening prior to a vote by the Council Members. If you have comments regarding an item on the agenda and you are not sure if public comment will be called at that time - just ask them during citizen participation at the beginning of the meeting.

  1. Register in advance to participate by Zoom. Quick links to registration pages:

  2. Show up to the Vail Town Council Chambers before the 6:00pm start to comment in person.

  3. Email your input for the public record to publicinput.vailtowncouncil@vailgov.com and CC: TownCouncil@vailgov.com before 12:00pm on Tuesday. Your emails will be part of the public record, but will not be read aloud at the meeting.

Where to Watch Vail Town Council Meetings:

  1. Catch the livestream on Town of Vail’s Facebook Page

  2. Follow the Twitter feed @VailTownCouncil

  3. Show up to the Vail Town Council Chambers

  4. Watch the recording on HighFive (it takes a day or two for the recordings to be posted. Facebook is better.)

NOTE: Comments on social aren’t really read or responded to in real time. If you have something to say see the above section on How to Comment.

Reference Links

Note - External links open in a new window/tab. To navigate back to this page - check your open tabs on your mobile browser.

3/7/2023 Vail Town Council Afternoon Agenda (Official)

3/7/2023 Vail Town Council Evening Agenda (Official)


3-21-2023 Vail Town Council Agenda Breakdown


2-21-2023 Vail Town Council Agenda Breakdown